Best Islamic Home Loan
Calculate your monthly repayments.

We found 20 islamic home loans(s) for you!

RHB Islamic Home Financing-i
Flexi Loan
(SBR - 3.00%)
- Profit Rate
(SBR + %) - Lock in Period
- 3 years
- Monthly Repayment

Maybank Islamic HouzKEY
Term Loan
(SBR - 3.00%)
- Profit Rate
(SBR + %) - Lock in Period
- 1 year
- Monthly Repayment

Alliance ONE Account Islamic Financing
Flexi Loan
(SBR - 3.00%)
- Profit Rate
(SBR + %) - Lock in Period
- None
- Monthly Repayment

HSBC Amanah HomeSmart-i
Flexi Loan
(SBR - 3.00%)
- Profit Rate
(SBR + %) - Lock in Period
- 3 years
- Monthly Repayment

AmBank Islamic Home Financing-i
Flexi Loan
(SBR - 3.85%)
- Profit Rate
(SBR + %) - Lock in Period
- 3 years
- Monthly Repayment

OCBC Al Amin Financing Manarat Home-i
Flexi Loan
(SBR - 3.00%)
- Profit Rate
(SBR + %) - Lock in Period
- 3 years
- Monthly Repayment

Public Islamic Bank Home Equity Financing-i
Flexi Loan
(SBR - 3.52%)
- Profit Rate
(SBR + %) - Lock in Period
- 3 years
- Monthly Repayment

MBSB Bank Property Financing-i
Term Loan
(SBR - 3.00%)
- Profit Rate
(SBR + %) - Lock in Period
- 5 years
- Monthly Repayment

Affin Islamic Bank Home Financing-i
Term Loan
(SBR - 3.95%)
- Profit Rate
(SBR + %) - Lock in Period
- 3 years
- Monthly Repayment

Hong Leong Islamic Bank Home Financing-i
Flexi Loan
(SBR - 4.69%)
- Profit Rate
(SBR + %) - Lock in Period
- None
- Monthly Repayment

Bank Islam Baiti Home Financing-i
Term Loan
(SBR - 3.00%)
- Profit Rate
(SBR + %) - Lock in Period
- None
- Monthly Repayment

Al Rajhi Home Financing-i
Term Loan
(SBR - 3.00%)
- Profit Rate
(SBR + %) - Lock in Period
- None
- Monthly Repayment

Bank Muamalat Home Financing-i
Term Loan
(SBR - 3.00%)
- Profit Rate
(SBR + %) - Lock in Period
- None
- Monthly Repayment

Alliance Islamic Bank Mortgage-i
Flexi Loan
(SBR - 3.00%)
- Profit Rate
(SBR + %) - Lock in Period
- None
- Monthly Repayment

CIMB Islamic Flexi Home Financing-i
Flexi Loan
(SBR - 3.00%)
- Profit Rate
(SBR + %) - Lock in Period
- 3 years
- Monthly Repayment

Kuwait Finance House Malaysia Murabahah Personal Financing-i Generic
Term Loan
(SBR - 3.00%)
- Profit Rate
(SBR + %) - Lock in Period
- None
- Monthly Repayment

Maybank Islamic Commodity Murabahah Home Financing-i
Flexi Loan
(SBR - 3.00%)
- Profit Rate
(SBR + %) - Lock in Period
- None
- Monthly Repayment

Standard Chartered Malaysia Saadiq My Home-i
Flexi Loan
(SBR - 3.00%)
- Profit Rate
(SBR + %) - Lock in Period
- None
- Monthly Repayment

CBP Home Financing-i Al-Amali
Term Loan
(SBR - 3.50%)
- Profit Rate
(SBR + %) - Lock in Period
- None
- Monthly Repayment

HSBC HomeSmart
Flexi Loan
(SBR - 3.00%)
- Profit Rate
(SBR + %) - Lock in Period
- 3 years
- Monthly Repayment
Last updated: Oct 25, 2024
Other Home Loan categories
How do you apply for a home loan online?
Step 1
Use our home loan calculator to find the best home loan based on your requirements.
Step 2
iMoney or the bank will call you to help process your application.
Read more about Islamic Home Loans
FAQs Islamic home financing in Malaysia - FAQ
Islamic home financing comes under the Islamic banking system and follows Shariah principles and Islamic-based economics. Islamic principles dictate that money lending (interest-based) as well as investing in businesses that are considered haram (unlawful) are prohibited.
Under Islamic home financing, banks are required to buy an asset (i.e. property) from the seller and sell it back to the buyer (you) with profit. The buyer will be allowed to pay for the property in instalments.