How To Start 2023 In Your Best Health

How To Start 2023 In Your Best Health

The start of a new year brings hope and a fresh start for many Malaysians who strive for a happy and healthy year ahead.

However, being healthy requires more than signing up for a gym membership or getting on a diet. While we try to put the best foot forward in the new year, falling sick and dealing with unplanned medical expenses can threaten our financial health.

Having a medical protection plan that best suits your needs is absolutely necessary if you want to be prepared for the challenging economy this year when faced with unexpected emergencies and medical expenses.

What should the best medical plan offer?

The best protection plan is one that not only provides medical and financial support when you need it most until you are fully recovered but also rewards you for staying healthy and continues to protect you throughout your life journey.

Do you come across these common pain points that you wish your ideal medical plan can address?

  • I don’t want to worry about medical inflation/rising costs
  • I want to be covered when I’m sick but also get rewarded for staying healthy
  • I want higher limit on hospitalisation coverage
  • If you want to start 2023 with the best protection in town, here’s how Prudential Medical Booster plans tick all the right boxes.
Common Pain PointsPrudential Medical Booster plans have the answers you want
Medical expenses increasing each year✔ Guaranteed auto-increasing coverage
No recognition for keeping healthy and not getting sick ✔ No Claim Benefit
Not enough coverage to see me recover fully✔ Extensive pre, during, and post-hospitalisation coverage

Here’s why Prudential Medical Booster plans best suits your health needs

Malaysians can make a fresh start with their healthcare in 2023 by getting the most recommended medical plan in town, Prudential Medical Booster.

Make your best New Year’s resolution with Prudential

2023 can be the year where you kickstart your journey to be the healthiest you can be and PRUValue Med Booster and PRUMillion Med Booster plans are here to help you achieve that.

On top of the Guaranteed Auto-Increasing Coverage, No Claim Benefit, and Extensive Hospitalisation Coverage, these plans also offer additional benefits:

✔ Total Pandemic Protection. Be protected through any pandemic with the Total Pandemic Protection that strengthens your medical coverage.

✔ Precision Medicine. Personalised cutting-edge cancer treatments that include genome testing and targeted treatment.

✔ Maternity Complications Benefit. Receive coverage for 11 maternity complications during or after childbirth, with no limit.

Hurry! The sooner (and younger) you sign up means starting with lower premiums to get the best medical protection as early as possible. Plus, this is one new year’s resolution you can surely keep as the coverage grows as you age.

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