Rahmah Rice Sales Will Sell Imported Rice At A Discounted Price

Rahmah Rice Sales

The Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry (KPDNKK) has launched a Rahmah Rice Sales Initiative to help combat the rising price of imported rice due to local rice shortages.

And furthermore, the Deputy Minister of KPDNKK, Fuziah Salleh has also stated that the Rahmah Rice Sales Initiative will be implemented in all parliamentary constituencies, as to ensure that every Malaysian will get to enjoy the discounted price offered.

“At the Rahmah Mobile Sales programme, we (at the ministry) can sell five kilogrammes of imported rice for approximately RM13 to RM14,” said Fuziah Salleh after opening the “Today’s Malaysian E-Commerce and Consumer Protection Regulatory Framework: The Way Forward” seminar yesterday.

For context, Malaysians are currently grappling with shortages of local rice, as the increase in price for imported rice has caused Malaysians to switch to local rice.

Fuziah Salleh also addressed the issue of the high price of rice in Dewan rakyat earlier this week.

“Rice is a controlled item which KPDN has no authority to control its price. But today we kept hearing the people’s grouses, so KPDN seeks ways to resolve the issue of imported rice price increase and why local rice supply has run out,” said Fuziah at the Dewan Rakyat.

So far, the Rahmah Rice Sales initiative has been met with favorable response by consumers.

Read more: Govt Sets Limits For Buying Of Local White Rice

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