AKPK’s “Duit For Baby” Aims To Prepare Parents For Family Financial Planning

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One of the biggest worries for new parents is planning the financials for their children. Agensi Kaunseling dan Pengurursan Kredit (AKPK) recently launched their “Duit For Baby” campaign in collaboration with Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN) to solve this problem by educating parents on family financial plannings.

The campaign, which is supported by the Ministry of Health Malaysia, will run from June 23 until December 31, 2020; and will focus on educating young parents through financial education modules that are available on their online learning portal.

The modules will also be conducted on private and public hospitals, as well as on social media platforms, and will highlight several topics related to family financial plannings such as setting financial goals, the cost of delivery and child care, investments, protection, and education costs.

In support of the campaign, BSN will be offering prizes for parents that open a BSN MyFirst account from June 23 until December 31, 2020; for children under the age of seven years old.

Prizes include:

Grand PrizeMonthly Prize
1st Prize: BSN SSP worth RM5,0001st Prize: BSN SSP worth RM650 x 3
2nd Prize: BSN SSP worth RM3,0002nd Prize: BSN SSP worth RM500 x 3
3rd Prize: BSN SSP worth RM1,0003rd Prize: BSN SSP worth RM300 x 3

In addition to the prizes, the first 10,000 people to create a BSN MyFirst account during the campaign will receive an additional RM50 credited into the account. For detailed information on how to join the campaign, you can head to AKPK’s website here.

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