3 Reasons Why Expecting Mothers Should Get Early Protection

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The joy that a mother feels when she finds out that there is another life within her cannot be described in words. Knowing that you’re one step closer to motherhood, and one step closer to starting your dream family is a gift from up above.
With that joy and love also comes worry. You want to do everything in your power to protect the little one living inside you. You want to give the baby your best – even though the two of you haven’t seen each other.
While we try to remain optimistic and hope for the best, we know there’s a chance that complications can arise.
With that in mind, here are three reasons why expecting mothers should get early protection for their unborn baby:
The feared C word – complications
Parents.com says that one of the biggest fears most mothers-to-be have is that they may have complications.
They occur when mothers have medical difficulties related to their health or their baby. In fact, women who are completely healthy before getting pregnant can also experience complications during pregnancy.
According to the World Health Organization, some of the common complications faced by pregnant women are a miscarriage, premature birth, infections, gestational diabetes, and preeclampsia – a complication which is linked to high blood pressure and damage to vital organs like the liver and kidneys.
In addition to that, the Malaysian Ministry of Health recorded that 12.3 per cent of babies were born prematurely in 2017.
While that isn’t a staggeringly alarming number, it also shouldn’t be ignored.
You never know what could happen in the period of nine to ten months – so it’s best to be prepared for everything.
One of the ways is to reduce the risk of complications is by getting and regular prenatal care. What can also help you is a comprehensive child protection plan like PRUMy Child Plus that provides you with pre-natal, critical illness, medical, accidental and payor riders – while also protecting your baby as early as 14 weeks into pregnancy; reducing your stress and worry.
It’s also the first prenatal policy in the market to accept pregnancies from IVF treatment (subject to underwriting requirements).
The wrath of critical illnesses
Critical illness is the other most feared ‘C’ word, especially when you have just delivered a baby and can’t wait to embark on your journey of motherhood.
Still developing their immunity, newborn babies are vulnerable and more susceptible to illnesses as compared to us. It is common that parents with newborn babies fork out a tonne of money to treat their child’s illnesses. Some common conditions that can affect a newborn are apnea, birth asphyxia, lung disease, jaundice and so on.
PRUMy Child Plus does not only provide prenatal coverage. It also provides coverage for newborns – including neonatal jaundice and other congenital conditions up to age five.
With a precious newborn in your arms, take your mind off financial matters and focus on the baby’s full recovery by getting the right protection plan.
The costly medical fees
As parents, you will inevitably put your baby’s health and safety above everything else. In the event that your baby is not feeling well, you want to bring them to the best hospital to be cared for by the most sought-after specialist – which will probably result in hefty medical bills. PRUMy Child Plus provides medical reimbursement with no lifetime limits, which should ease your mind during troubled times. Along with the rider Infant Care Plus, it also protects both mother and child for selected pregnancy complications.
Wait, there’s more…
Channel the savings for your child’s education
So what happens when you invest all that money and your baby comes out healthy, safe and sound? Does all that money go to waste? It doesn’t.
With PRUSaver Kid (savings rider), it can easily be converted as a secondary savings for your child’s education. You receive a payout of a lump sum of savings that you have accumulated throughout the length of this policy. The more you invest, the higher the amount that will be paid out.
EASE-ier enrolment for your next baby
All is well and settled with your first baby. A few years later, you are planning to have another baby. Given that you have a fully underwritten policy and you are still healthy, you can get another policy for your next baby with Prudential’s EASE commitment – easy and simple enrolment.
Mothers, safeguard you and your child’s future by getting comprehensive protection today. That way, all you need to do is focus on welcoming the new gem into your life.
Secure even earlier protection for your unborn baby from now until 31st of March – and get additional protection for free.