Mask Up! Covid-19 Cases Are On The Rise

The Health Ministry has just advised Malaysians to mask up once more and take precautionary measures. This is due to Covid-19 cases seeing a spike in recent weeks. Covid-19 cases in the country nearly doubled in a week to 12,757 cases last week (3 to 9 December). This is compared to 6,796 cases in the prior week (26 November to 2 December).
The Health Director General, Datuk Dr Muhammad Radzi Abu Hassan recently posted a statement. He advised the public, especially those who are showing symptoms of Covid-19, as well as high-risk groups such as the elderly and pregnant women, to start wearing masks as often as possible, especially in enclosed and crowded spaces.
A further spike in Covid-19 cases is also expected during the upcoming Christmas and New Year celebrations. This comes on the back of the school holiday season that begins on 16 December.
Covid-19 cases on the rise globally
Malaysia is not the only nation facing these issues. Covid-19 cases have been on the rise globally, including in neighboring countries. Fortunately, it appears that the majority of Covid-19 cases in Malaysia are experiencing light symptoms and do not need hospital treatment.
The health director also ensured the public that the overall situation in Malaysia is currently under control and that the rise in cases does not burden existing health facilities.
As for hospital admissions, the number of Covid-19 patients admitted to health facilities have risen to 1.4%. Dr Muhammad Radzi also highlighted that the use of beds in intensive care units have also risen by 1.4%. Meanwhile the number of patients needing respiratory aid rose by 0.5%, he said.
Paxlovid treatment for high risk cases
He also recommended that those infected, especially those aged 60 and above, have low immune system or any comorbidities, are obese or have a compromised immune system, to be treated with Paxlovid.
Paxlovid is most effective when taken within 5 days from when the first symptoms begin to appear. Therefore, it is recommended that high-risk patients undergo testing as soon as they have symptoms and seek medical attention immediately if they are tested positive.