Does Good Fortune Await You In The Year Of The Water Tiger?

Does Good Fortune Await You In The Year Of The Water Tiger?

The Chinese New Year not only marks the start of a new cycle on the lunar calendar but also brings a potential change in our zodiac fortunes.

This year is the year of the Water-Tiger. The Tiger is the third animal in the Chinese zodiac and represents power, courage, confidence, leadership and strength..

Exhilarating year only if you proceed with caution

The Water Tiger year is all about forming bonds with others, taking risks, and having fun. This year, we’ll all want to meet new people and have new adventures. Because Tigers have strong wills, this means parties, excitement, and rule-breaking for people in 2022.

On the flip side, financial markets will rise and fall, with Tigers being known for their dangerous moves. Those who pay attention, however, will reap the benefits, just as the animal follows its prey.

This year’s energy will be released in bursts, followed by intervals of silence. The Tiger, like any other house cat, enjoys napping, and when they awaken, the fun begins again!

Will this be a fun and fortunate year for you? Let’s find out!



This year, creating strong relationships with your friends and family may be able to assist you in overcoming obstacles! Consider slowing down and concentrating on the people in your life although you have a tendency to react quickly.


In 2022, the stars are in your favor, with a promising future for your work and money. Unexpected financial rewards are on the way. The presence of lucky money stars suggests a strong connection to indirect wealth, as well as a steady direct income. If you rise to the occasion, you will gain a competitive advantage.



It’s an optimistic year for the Oxes! You can look forward to a smooth sailing year with great job prospects on the horizon. With that being said, opportunities are just around the corner so spread those wings and be a social butterfly to meet them head-on. Despite that, take heed of your health this year as might mark the start of a more serious threat in the long run .


The year 2022 is a bullish year for the Ox as auspicious stars shine brilliantly on your finances. Aside from a stable income, it’s a lucky year to augment it with some indirect wealth, but with the help of investment experts, of course. The extra money you save this year can go a long way.



Your year has begun! This year, remember to focus on yourself and take things slowly as you prepare for the upcoming busy season. Other people’s drama may hold you back, but listen to your emotions, stay rational, and keep your eyes on your own long-term goals.


This may be your year, but it does not come with guarantees. A bleak financial forecast may force you to lose money quickly, so avoid high-risk investments. Have a more conservative approach to mitigate your risks. Start small and don’t get discouraged if your yield does not match well with the efforts that you put in. After all, profit is still profit.



This year, fortune is finally shining upon you after a difficult few years. Take some time to meditate and cultivate mindfulness. Avoid unnecessary conflicts and have a positive mindset to attract all wonderful things – manifestation is important!


Salespeople, businessmen, and entrepreneurs may enjoy better career prospects this year, and in turn, see a regular improvement in their finances. However, it is not the time to relax because money will continue to flow in and out of your life. Rather than hoarding your money, look for ways to supplement your salary with additional sources of revenue.



Why not let your inner extrovert show this year? Go out, make new acquaintances, and strengthen your bonds with coworkers. If you’re on the lookout to widen your network this will boost your chances of meeting more people that can support you in your causes. You are in full control of your fortune this year, so exert more effort if you must, so that you’ll be in a much better disposition to reap the fruits of your labor.


In terms of finances, the Dragons have a bright future in 2022. There’s a chance you’ll get a raise, and your financial situation will improve. But be careful not to over-speculate or settle for agreements only made verbally. Keep in mind that all financial matters should be governed by legal requirements and contractual agreements. If you are an employee, concentrate on just doing your job and a steady paycheck will naturally follow.



Your luck this year revolves around your friends. Building a closer and stronger relationship with your friends and family will be easier. You will be blessed with friends who genuinely care about you. Stay away from bad luck by avoiding unnecessary verbal fights.


Due to the fact that the economy is still in a depression, you should avoid making investments to minimise your losses. Signs are pointing to a difficult year in 2022 for the snake zodiac to be prepared for setbacks (Tai Sui). Rather, save money for a rainy day. This is not a good year to speculate because of the decreased indirect wealth projection. If necessary, long-term investments can produce better results.



The year of the Water Tiger will be a rollercoaster year for you. You are more likely to go through a mix of highs and lows in your personal life this year than anyone else. So toughen up and keep your emotions in check.


Horses will have an easy time in 2022, it’s going to be an easy race in terms of money and career.

This year, you can profit from income-producing equities, bonds, and property investments. To reduce the risk of theft, keep your head down and avoid being too free-spirited with your money. Just always take extra precautions and don’t get too carried away by your streak.

Things are looking good for you in terms of your career as your superiors will recognise your diligence and hard work.



This year you will see a great development in your interpersonal relationships both at home and at work. Finding your tribe and making close friends should be easier this year than others.


The past few years haven’t been easy for Goats, but you’ll be relieved to learn that things are looking up this year, particularly in terms of career. At work, you’ll have plenty of chances to be recognised and rewarded, and business owners may look forward to the expansion. Your ability to network will result in a steady stream of money and profitable investments.



This is a year for Monkeys to engage in active curiosity and pursue their objectives. We’re not going to lie: it might be a year of ups and downs, with a slew of challenges in store. However, because you’re a natural problem-solver, you should approach each obstacle with optimism.

Due to a direct clash with Tai Sui, the year 2022 will be full of ups and downs for the Monkeys. Be mentally ready for changes, but stay the course.


When it comes to business and income, don’t allow greed to get in the way; instead, concentrate on steady growth. You will benefit more from staying on familiar grounds than from moving into uncharted territories.



The Roosters emerge as this year’s luckiest Zodiac. In terms of career, the stars are aligned to provide you with prospects for advancement and better opportunities. Despite the good fortune, seek contentment and all will be well.


The appearance of a wealth lost star for the Roosters implies that money will come and go quickly this year. Remember to be prudent with your expenditure and set up some funds for rainy days.



This year, your tenacity and dedication will pay off. Workplace recognition and the opportunity to reach your full potential are on the horizon. Maintain a positive attitude and practice mindfulness and emotional awareness, as keeping calm can help you avoid unnecessary drama. The months of March and June are the luckiest for your finances.


Individuals born in the year of the Dog will notice an improvement in their overall fortune this year. The year of the Tiger has an optimistic outlook on your income but you have to work hard for it. The earnings you will reap this year will be proportional to the amount of effort you put in.


cny zodiac


Your brave nature goes well with the Year of the Tiger, so this will be a generally lucky and smooth-sailing year for you. Keep a close eye on your spending and money, though. Opportunities that appear too good to be true may present themselves, so always pause and trust your instincts!


Short-term investments should be avoided because they can result in losses. You may experience financial losses as a result of your lack of financial understanding, and this is when you’ll realise how important it is to set up a rainy-day fund and learn how to handle your finances.

Whichever zodiac sign you fall under, remember, you will never go wrong financially if you practice good financial habits and prudence. May the Year of the Water Tiger bring you happiness and prosperity. Gong Xi Fat Chai!


PropertyGuru‘s zodiac sign forecast for wealth and property
Wise‘s prosperity tips according to your Chinese zodiac

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