Electric Vehicles Will Use The New JPJePlate Starting This Week

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The Road Transport Minister, Anthony Loke has announced that every new zero-emission vehicles (ZEV) including electric vehicle owners will have to use the Road Transport Department ePlate (JPJePlate). It is part of the digitalisation that the Road Transport Department (JPJ) is undertaking.
The JPJePlate is not mandatory for ZEVs that are already on the road. However, owners who wants to equip their car with the spiffy new plates can place their orders starting next November.
JPJePlate compulsory for new EVs
The requirement was implemented on September 9. Customers who purchased EVs from this date onwards will have the new plate affixed.
According to a report from Bernama, the price of the new JPJePlate is set at RM98 per set, which includes a front plate, a rear plate, an RFID windshield sticker, and standard delivery.
The new JPJePlate is white in color with black borders, with a green border on the left, bordered by a holographic sticker.
The JPJePlate is equipped with retro-reflective features, anti-cloning hologram to minimise theft and fraud risks. It is also integrated to the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) through RFID technology, Bernama reports.
If you’re interested in getting one of the new JPJePlates, you can go to the official JPJ page to place an order for yourself.
Bid for special EV registration is open
It was also announced that registration for the special registration number for zero-emission vehicles are now open for bidding. The ‘EV’ registration series is only available for EV registered vehicles. They cannot be registered to non-ZEV vehicles.
The bidding will close on Sept 13 at 10pm. Results will be announced in 24 hours after the deadline. You can access the bidding site online at https://jpjebid.jpj.gov.my/ebid/.