IRB: RM9 billion Increase In 2017 Tax Collections

A total of RM123.33 billion has been collected by the Inland Revenue Board (IRB), said its chief, Datuk Seri Sabin Samitah.
The collection is an 8.15% or RM9 billion increase and the taxman said this was in line with the continuous growth of the economy.
“I would like to inform that at the end of last year, we successfully saw an 8.15% increase in tax collection by RM9 billion, with a total of RM123.233 billion tax collected compared with the same period in 2016,” he was quoted as saying by English-language daily The Star.
He added that for 2018, the IRB was targeting RM134.713 billion in tax collections, a 6.1% increase from the previous year.