After JPJ Statement, BJAK Issues Update On Road Tax Renewal

JPJ BJAK statement

The Road Transport Department (JPJ) has shared a media statement yesterday relating to BJAK. The statement announced that JPJ does not have any officinal arrangement with online insurance aggregator BJAK Sdn Bhd (BJAK).

According to the JPJ statement, there is no authorisation from the Ministry of Transport (MOT) or JPJ with BJAK.

The JPJ statement highlighted that BJAK’s claim that it’s road tax renewal services are approved by JPJ are untrue. This is in reference to online insurance aggregator’s claim that it’s online road tax renewals have been audited, verified, and approved by JPJ.

BJAK’s road tax renewal service is an optional service

BJAK road taxFollowing the JPJ statement, BJAK has clarified that its road tax renewal is an optional service available to its customers.

The road tax renewal service is now offered free of charge, according to BJAK’s statement. The company said other platforms normally charge additional fees up to RM11 for the renewal service.

“It should be noted that BJAK’s free road tax campaign is part of a private initiative aimed at enhancing customer value and is not affiliated with any governmental mandate,” the statement highlighted.

Customer complaints on additional charges and validity period

JPJ had taken action to address this matter after receiving complaints from the public. These complaints were over road tax renewals processed through the BJAK website.

According to JPJ, customers were imposed additional charges when renewing the road tax on the platform. There were also complaint from customers that road tax renewal carried out through the company’s website did not have the validity period updated.

In response, BJAK stated that it acknowledges the issues raised by JPJ. The company stated that it is actively working with the authorities to help improve experience for all vehicle owners in Malaysia”.

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