KPDN To Meet Oil Firms Over Diesel Fleet Card Delays

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After numerous complaints from requestors, the Domestic Trade and Cost Living Ministry (KPDN)’s minister, Datuk Armizan Mohd Ali has stated that KPDN is currently in constant communication with fuel companies.
KPDN is looking to speed up the fleet card distribution process under the Subsidised Diesel Control System (SKDS).
Delay in SKDS fleet cards
According to Bernama, Datuk Armizan stated that KPDN is looking closely at the delays happening in the fleet card distribution system. He also stated that the delays are caused by multiple reasons, including the due diligence needed to ensure that applicants are actually eligible for the fleet card.
Armizan also stated that right now, it can take up to one month after application for the fleet card to be distributed, which KPDN is working towards shortening to 14 days.
In order to achieve this goal, KPDN is looking to engage with the five fuel companies involved in the fleet card system this Thursday.
According to records from the five fuel companies involved in the fleet card system, 165,897 fleet cards have been distributed.
Companies can apply for the SKDS, if they meet the requirements
Explaining further on the SKDS, Armizan stated that companies can apply for the SKDS system, provided that their vehicles are listed under the 33 types of land vehicles eligible for thei SKDS scheme.
He said that as of 14 July 2024, a total of 248,887 vehicles have been registered for the Budi SKDS scheme, from 88,029 companies.
Individuals can apply for the BUDI Diesel subsidy
Meanwhile, for individuals, they can apply for the Budi diesel subsidy scheme, provided that they meet the eligibility requirements as listed below;
- Is a Malaysian citizen
- The private vehicle is registered with the Road Transport Department and excludes luxury vehicles under 10 years old.
- Has an active road tax.
- Has an income (individual or household) of less than RM100,000 per year.
Read more : How To Apply For The Diesel Subsidy Programme, Budi Madani