Melaka Recognised As State With Lowest Housing Prices

Melaka has been recognised as the state with the most affordable housing with prices ranging from as low as RM80,000 compared to northern states where prices start around RM240,000.
Furthermore, houses in Melaka which are going at RM120,000 or RM250,000, would be worth RM470,000 and RM700,000 respectively in other states.
Its Chief Minister Datuk Seri Idris Haron said this was due to the government initiatives on improving infrastructure facilities for those under housing programmes.
Idris said they had planned to build 58,000 affordable units in Melaka and 38,000 has been completed while others were still under construction.
He added that were several housing programmes in the state, where housing for public sector employees, MGOHOME Melaka Government Officers Home and larger houses were sold at prices appropriate to meet housing loan facilities for government officers.
“The people are happy getting better houses where the prices of the People’s Housing Project (PPR) range from RM42,000 to RM249,000 for units of 800 sq ft with three bedrooms and two bathrooms to 1,500 sq ft,” he said.
He added that the government had allocated RM2.8 million to repair run-down houses to ensure everyone was accounted in relation to the state’s housing programme.
The Melaka Housing Board also uses its additional funds and profits to repair homes in villages in a bid to improve the people’s welfare.
Meanwhile, Khazanah Research Institute and World Bank have dubbed Melaka as the most affordable housing provider in the country according to a joint report titled “Demystifying Affordable Housing Issues in Malaysia 2017”.
Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development also conducted a study and found that families in Melaka were the happiest.
According to the Family Well-Being Index Malaysia tabulated by the National Population and Family Development Board, Melaka is the top family well-being state in the country with a score of 8.28 out of 10.