You Can Request To Pay Instalment For Income Tax Arrears And Real Property Gain Tax

Inland Revenue Board (LHDN) recently announced that taxpayers can now submit a request to make instalment payments for income tax arrears. This also applies to arrears in real property gain tax for previous years without having increased tax imposed.
Application for the special instalment payment can be made from now until May 31, 2024, as part of the Special Voluntary Disclosure Programme (SVDP) 2.0.
SVDP 2.0 is LHDN’s initiative to provide taxpayers with a chance to voluntarily disclose their income and tax calculations accurately in an organised manner, as well as to support the sustainability of the national tax administration.
Those who want to apply for the instalment pay, can make the request in writing and submit it to LHDN offices or online through the MyTax platform at
An exemption to travel bans under Section 104 of the Income Tax Act 1967 will also be given. To qualify, taxpayers have to show consistent tax arrears instalment payments in accordance with the payment schedule.
LHDN has also stated that failure to comply with the terms of payments will result in an increase in taxes imposed.
Don’t really understand how to calculate your income tax? Just use our income tax calculator. Or check out our step-by-step guide for filing personal income tax.