RM200 Budi Madani Cash Assistance To Be Paid On June 10

Budi Madani

The Ministry of Finance has announced that the first Budi Madani cash assistance will be paid out on June 10. The MoF statement announced that over 30,000 recipients including farmers and agriculture smallholders will receive the cash aid on Monday, June 10.

Recipients will receive this first Budi Madani RM200 cash assistance through their bank accounts. Those without bank accounts can claim their Budi Madani aid in cash at any Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN) branch throughout Peninsular Malaysia using their MyKad.

How to check and appeal Budi Madani cash aid

Applicants who were not approved can check and submit an appeal on their application status at the Budi Madani website.

MoF added that applications made in June will be able to receive the pyament within June. However, applications made after June will only be paid from July onwards.

Who can apply for Budi Madani cash aid

Budi Madani cash aid was created as part of the government’s fuel subsidy rationalisation plan that was tabled in Budget 2024. It aims to provide subsidy allocations to targeted groups like

  • Budi Individu – for individual assistance
  • Budi Agri-Komoditi – assistance for farmers and agricultural smallholders
  • MySubsidi Diesel – for eligible companies and transport vehicles

Read More: Budi Madani Diesel Subsidy Registration

MoF estimates there are about 300,000 private diesel vehicle owners in Peninsular Malaysia who are eligible to receive Budi Individu. Over 68,000 farmers, 8,000 livestock farmers, and 34,000 small-scale aquaculture operators are estimated to be eligible for Budi Agri-Komoditi.

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