What Kind Of Spender Are You?

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Do you groan in objection when you need to shop for a new pair of shoes or are you excited at the prospect of a fabulous shopping adventure ahead of you?
Whether we like it or not, we all have to shop at some point. The way you react to the idea of shopping will probably tell you a thing or two about the type of spender you are.
Let’s break down our spending habits and see which categories of spenders we belong to.
The Web Clicker
Do you take full advantage of the internet and know how to navigate all things technology? If your answer is yes, you are most likely a web clicker.
In a recent study by Trend Micro, eight out of ten internet users in Malaysia shop online. According to another survey conducted by PayPal, Malaysians shop online for clothing (46%), bags and accessories (43%), electronic gadgets (38%), shoes (35%), and fragrances (29%).
The Deal Shopper
Shopping is an art form. If you need a new TV, you don’t just pop in to the shop to get one. You need to do your research and compare all the prices against the features before deciding on the best deal.
If you agree with the above, you definitely get an adrenaline rush from sniffing out the best deal.
Based on the same PayPal survey, nearly six out of ten festive shoppers (57%) actively search social networks for shopping deals and promotions, while almost half (49%) were also likely to redeem offers while browsing social media channels like Facebook and Twitter.
Want the best deal? Always consult a deal shopper who is guaranteed to get the best out of their bucks.
The Sale Seeker
If you find yourself feeling right at home in a crowded shop full of people grabbing and pushing just to get their hands on a 50% off handbag, you are a sale seeker. A shopping mall during a massive sale is a sale seeker’s natural habitat.
These seekers do not buy anything during their usual shopping trip but will wait for the next sale before getting the goodies at 50%.
The Future Planner
Have you started buying stuff that you may need 10 years later? For example, clothes for the elderly for when you are old, just because they are on 70% discount. If that sounds like you, it is undeniable that you are a future planner.
You may be spending a lot and your house may look like a warehouse, but you have a system for storing your haul from all the shopping escapades (which unfortunately, only you understand). In the long run, you are saving money by pre-buying all the things you may need in the future – or that’s what you are telling yourself when you receive your credit card statement every month.
The Window Shopper
The window shopper can be found in the mall every weekend and they know every newly arrived item in every shop in their usual haunt. However, they rarely purchase anything. If you see finger print marks on the display window at the shops, they are mostly likely left by this group of people.
Getting a window shopper to part with their money is as difficult as getting a dog to part with its bone. Once in a while, in a moment of weakness, the window shopper will purchase something and will spend the next few weeks getting over the guilt.
If you fall in one of the categories above, don’t worry. Maybe it is not time to change your habit yet, but just manage your money better. Look for ways to save while spending. For example, get the credit card that offers just the right benefits or cash back for you, according to your needs.
The best way to identify your dream credit card is to compare, compare and compare. It’s easy to do so with our credit card comparison tool.
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