Ringkasan Produk
- Dapatkan perlindungan komprehensif dengan GMBIS terhadap kehilangan nyawa, hilang upaya menyeluruh dan kekal, 45 penyakit kritikal, kematian akibat kemalangan, perbelanjaan pengebumian dan manfaat pendapatan di hospital terpilih.

- Faedah Kematian
- RM40,000
- Faedah Kematian dan Hilang Upaya Menyeluruh
- Sehingga RM80,000
- Faedah Kemalangan Peribadi
- RM80,000
- Tempoh Perlindungan
- Sehingga umur 65 tahun
Ciri Utama
RM80,000 perlindungan untuk RM44 sebulan
Merangkumi 45 penyakit kritikal
Faedah pendapatan hospital sehingga RM40 sehari
Melindungi pasangan & anak
Premium sama untuk semua peringkat umur
- 1-60
- Umur Penyertaan
- Warganegara Malaysia atau Penduduk Tetap di Malaysia
- Warganegara
Group Multiple Benefits Insurance Scheme FAQ
It's only RM48 per month for everyone.
You have the flexibility to pay your premium annually, half-yearly, quarterly or even monthly by credit card or debit card (issued by local banks)
You need to upload soft copies of NRIC front and back in PDF, PNG, JPG, BMP or GIF format. Maximum file size is 2MB each
You will get a total innvestment value after you turns 65 year old.
There are certain conditions that are not included in your plans, called major exclusions. A major exclusion can refer to a condition that a plan will not cover for, such as:
- Pre-existing illnesses, i.e. a condition for which you knew about before the start of the new medical coverage. Most plans have a waiting period in place for such pre-existing conditions
- Cosmetic surgery/circumcision/corrective lenses/dental treatment unless necessitated by accidental injury It is best to refer to the policy contract for the full list of exclusions.
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