Ringkasan Produk
- Penunggang ini menyediakan sokongan kewangan sekiranya dimasukkan ke hospital dan pembedahan atau rawatan pesakit luar terpilih. Anda juga akan menerima perlindungan tahunan tambahan selepas diagnosis penyakit kritikal terpilih.
- Had Tahunan
- Sehingga RM4,000,000
- Had Seumur Hidup
- Tiada Had
- Faedah Kemasukan ke Hospital
- Sehingga RM400 Sehari
- Hospital Panel
- 105 Panel
Ciri Utama
Perlindungan perubatan dari serendah RM61 sebulan
Perlindungan tahunan tambahan selepas diagnosis pada Penyakit Kritikal terpilih
Manfaat Imunisasi Haji/Umrah
Tiada had seumur hidup
Pelan fleksibiliti untuk memenuhi keperluan kewangan anda
- 1-70
- Umur Kemasukan
- Malaysia dan Warga Asing
- Warganegara
- Sehingga 100 Tahun
- Umur Perlindungan
Muat Turun
Medic Protector FAQ
Medic Protector is a medical insurance plan that provides coverage for hospitalization, surgical procedures, outpatient treatment, and emergency care. The plan also provides additional benefits such as medical check-ups and coverage for critical illnesses.
Medic Protector is available for individuals between the ages of 30 days and 70 years old.
Medic Protector provides coverage for medical expenses related to hospitalization, surgical procedures, outpatient treatment, and emergency care. The plan also provides additional benefits such as medical check-ups, coverage for critical illnesses, and cash benefits in the event of hospitalization.
The cost of Medic Protector varies depending on the level of coverage and the age of the insured individual. Premiums may be paid on a monthly or yearly basis.
To apply for Medic Protector, you can contact an insurance agent or visit a customer service center. You will need to provide personal and medical information related to yourself and undergo medical underwriting to determine your eligibility for the plan.
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